That isn't all over the national media.
Whilst I am sure Sport Relief is a very worthy cause there are so many smaller charities that don't get government funding, or huge celebratory promotion, or massive media presence.
Maybe if you tip a quid in the direction of Sport Relief you might want to give an equal amount to one of these smaller charities who struggle so much?
Direct Debit are running a big campaign at the moment
Recently a local friend blogger wrote a post nominating me for the award
It came at a time when I was struggling greatly with my training, my mentor at the time was giving me an incredibly hard time and I was doubting my abilities and wondering whether the last 2.5 years had been worth the heart break. Her words were like chicken soup for my soul. I had made a difference to her. That meant more than good marks in an assessment or an A* in an essay!
However I don't think I deserve that money. I am not in any great 'need' sure student life is tough, but hey I didn't train thinking I would be rich!
I have in turn nominated Hannah and her Mum, Julia (a single parent who gives her little girl an amazing quality of life, through sheer bloody hard work despite a lack of funding and yet still has her very autistic nephew to stay, offers to have my aspie kid, thinks nothing of taking the shirt of her back for you - a bit more about Julia's life is here), I ask you to please take the time to read her story here
I first met Hannah about 6 years ago when she joined the Brownies I used to run, no matter what sort of day I had, no matter how down I was - one smile from that little girl lit up the room and made you realise that the crap didn't matter.
4 years ago I started to raise money to buy an important piece of equipment to make Hannah and Julia's life easier. I have raised some money along the way - not as much as I would like, fundraising is hard going - not many people are willing to give, at times I felt like I was flogging a dead horse and then of course my life got in the way (Mr. B leaving, the course sucking my life) and I have not been as active as I should have been.
I know that Hannah needs so much more than the original equipment I set out to fund, and this money would go a long way to filling those needs
Please nominate Julia to win the money, I can not think of anyone who is more of a local hero than her!
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